Erol TÜRKEŞ, Süleyman NEŞELİ, Mümin ŞAHİN, Selçuk SELVİ


The problem of surface quality and cutting stability in the machining processes is very important and is strictly connected with the final quality of the product. Therefore, this paper describes a new theoretical model for the dynamic cutting forces of orthogonal cutting in turning. A specific advantage for the presented model is the convenience for vibration prediction. The presented dynamic force model is used to predict variable cutting forces with dynamic cutting between cutting tool and workpiece.  This model is considered two degree of freedom complex dynamic model of turning with orthogonal cutting system. The complex dynamic system consists of dynamic cutting system force model which is based on the shear angle (φ) oscillations and the penetration forces which are caused by the tool flank contact with the wavy surface.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Chatter, surface, dynamic cutting, turning, cutting tool, roughness

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Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi  ISSN:1302-6178