Fog computing has got great attntion due to its importance especially in Internet of Things (IoT) environment where computation at the edge of the network is most desired. Due to the geographical proximity of resources, Fog computing exhibits lower latency compared to cloud; however, inefficient resource allocation in Fog environment can result in higher delays and degraded performance. Hence, efficient resource scheduling in Fog computing is crucial to get true benefits of the cloud like services at the proximity of data generation sources. In this paper, a Big-Medium-Little (BML) scheduling technique is proposed to efficiently allocate Fog and Cloud resources to the incoming IoT jobs. Moreover, cooperative and non-cooperative Fog computing environments are also explored. Additionally, a thorough comparative study of existing scheduling techniques in Fog-cloud environment is also presented. The technique is rigorously evaluated and shows promising results in terms of makespan, energy consumption, latecny and throughput.
Keywords: Cloud node, Fog node, Max-Min, Min-Min, Big, Medium, Little, Task, Resource, Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Systems.
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