
As a result of increased human lifespan, dementia becomes a national public health and social care priority worldwide. Although, there is no cure for dementia, the wandering behavior of dementia patients can be managed by an ambient assisted living system. In this paper, Wandering Behavior Ontology (WBO) used for dealing with wandering behavior seen in early stage dementia patients is proposed. WBO is used in iCarus, which is an intelligent ambient assisted living system, for providing context-aware services to dementia patients and their caregivers. Knowledge sharing, knowledge reuse and logical reasoning are provided by using ontologies. iCarus aims to reduce the problems and financial burden associated with a wandering episode for the patients and their caregivers. It provides longer independent living for the elderly people and a cost-effective way of remotely monitoring them. The actions that are to be taken are determined by rule-based reasoning. These actions are sequential and they are defined in the developed ontology. These actions include warning the patient and informing the caregiver and the emergency service.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Context-awareness; rule-based reasoning; ambient intelligence; ambient assisted living

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Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi  ISSN:1302-6178